Best Service

Next Step Treatment Center provides Psychiatric Rehabilitation as 1 of our 3 programs.

A teen boy in the assessment session image

In Psychiatric Rehabilitation program, Next Step Treatment Center provides Rehabilitation Groups focused on:

Time Management.
Money Management.
Mental Health symptom management.
Enrolling in Higher Education.
Obtaining Employment (Job Readiness).
Medication Compliance.
Locating Local Resources.
Obtaining Stable Drug-Free Housing.
Enrolling in State assistance (cash/food).
Case Management by Trained Direct Care Workers
And More...
 a Teenage girl in a session image

Hear From Our Patients

Renee Osborn
Renee Osborn
I don't know where I would be in life if it wasn't for the wonderful staff at Next Step! Caring, compassionate and always professional. I cant thank you all enough for helping me. Bless you all.
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